Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to Guarantee your customers will spend At Least $1200 at YOUR grocery store this year.

As you read every word of this report you will be astonished to learn how easy it is to have customers come in and spend a minimum of $1200 at your store.

Imagine what that could do for your business if you knew that you would have regular customers to spend at least $100 a month and probably much, much more.

You see the marketing minds at have teamed together with a list of 133 grocery companies that have realized the power of what I am about to explain to you.

In the next 2 minutes you are going to understand why you must integrate this simple marketing system into your store, whether you are a manager at Sam’s Club, Costco, Publix, Kroger, Winn-Dixie or even if you own your own small business grocery store you will all benefit from the genius of this simple promotion.

Hey, even if you are an employee and tell your manager about this, there may be a big bonus in it for you.

You see, right now, it doesn’t matter to me where I shop for groceries. It may be Publix, it may be Kroger or Wal-Mart. If I have to do a big grocery shop, it is usually Wal-Mart.

Why, because even though I can’t stand going in there, they have the best prices and just like everyone else, I want to save money.

But the fact is, if I had to choose, I would shop at Publix every day, because, in my opinion they have the cleanest stores with the best customer service. Wal-mart has the worst.

So, what is going to get me to shop at Publix indtead of Wal-mart?

This is the question we asked ourselves and we came up with a marketing incentive that is so powerful, it gets repeat, loyal customers that are shopping at your store out of habit, even if you are more expensive than your competition or if they have to travel further to get to your store.

Can you picture the scenario in your store when a customer comes in and spends, let’s say $150. (You set your own amount). If you could give them $300 worth of grocery certificates when they did that, do you think the word would spread fast that Publix is giving away $300 worth of groceries if you spend $150 or more.

Now first, you will draw customers to your store. Second, they would spend $150 with you to receive the Grocery certificate. Third, the way this incentive is set up, that $300 of free groceries is split into $25 gift cards that the customer will receive once a month when they spend at least $100 and send the receipts in to us at

So, let me make that clear. This is a rebate program that is going to require your customers to send at least $100 worth of receipts from your store in order to get their $25 gift card for the month. Now, almost everyone spends $100 a month on groceries, but they may do it between a few different stores, depending on where they happen to be.

You have just given them the incentive to go out of their way and to come to your store so they can get those $100 of receipts. So, you are creating habit. If they are going to do this for a twelve month period, it will be so inbred in their system that they will continue shopping with you.

Now, if you are like me and have a big family, you are going to spend well over $100. It would be more like $800 for my family, and if I am in the habit of going to Publix, they are going to get my money instead of Wal-Mart.

I’m sure now you can see how this will work for your business. Imagine, for a moment that it is a month from today and you have been giving away $300 grocery certificates to your customers. Can you see the stream on new traffic you will have buying that initial $150 worth of groceries?

Can you hear the conversations going on as other people wait in line and see the grocery certificates being handed out?

Can you imagine the conversations taking place as wifes jump in the car and get home to tell their husband they have found a way to get $300 of free groceries?

Yes, word of mouth is going to spread this so fast that you had better put in extra orders to keep your shelves full.

The truth of the matter is, that whoever implements this simple and cost effective marketing idea is going to have a hugely successful year in sales, even when grocery prices are higher than ever and people are cutting back on what they buy.

But, make sure you get their first in your local area, or you may just be on the losing end of this genius marketing plan.

You may already know that you are ready for this in your business today, but go now to Gas and Grocery Depot to find out more and talk to someone about getting a Holiday discount.

Just enter code PLSDX and you will receive a discount if you order before December 21st.

PS We even have a branding feature that will put your logo on the certificates and vouchers each and every month that will help you with branding.

Go here now for all the details

Posted in Business incentives, christmas gift ideas, Marketing incentive Tagged: grocery certificates, grocery rebate program, grocery vouchers, kroger gift cards, marketing ideas, Marketing incentive, publix gift cards, wal-mart gift cards

Circuit City and Linens’N'Things next big companies to go under. Are you next?

Yet another 2 companies have been forced to close and file bankruptcy.

What did they do wrong? Why could they not make the sales? Is their competition so much better than them? Or is it just a struggle for ANY company to stay afloat during this tough economic time?

I’m sure you are struggling with the same questions and thinking of some way you can beef up your sales with out spending a fortune on another failed marketing campaign.

As you read on, you will see what companies like Ashley Furniture and Carnival Cruise lines are doing to make sure they stay ahead of the game.

You will find comfort in knowing that this sales incentive is affordable to everyone and not just the big companies with huge marketing budgets.

You can now offer your customers hundreds of dollars worth of gas and groceries (the 2 things they need most) all for pennies on the dollar.

Just visualize them coming into your store and spending a few hundred dollars and walking out with a few hundred dollars worth of gas or grocery vouchers on top of their purchase.

You can bet your bottom dollar they will go out and tell everyone about it and how they have to go see.

Thats what is making the difference in sales to many compnanies from car dealers, magazine subscriptions, carpet cleaning companies, hotel chains and so many more.

I’m sure you are thinking right now how you can implement this simple sales incentive for your business and as you grow closer to buying, you can feel safe in the fact that big companies have done their research on this and have implemented for their business.

So, what do you have to gain? More sales, more conversions, happy customers and tons of word of mouth advertizing.

If you are like so many other small and large business owners, you will implement this marketing strategy right now in time for the busy holiday shopping season.

You know as well as anyone that this is the time of year that can really make or break your business.

So, go for it and have a happy, prosperous holiday sales season.

Gas and Grocery Depot
Enter promo code PLSDX for free shipping before Black Friday.

Posted in Business incentives, Marketing incentive Tagged: black friday, Business incentives, business marketing plan, gas certificates, grocery certificates, sales incentive

What You Need To Know By Black Friday To Keep Your Business In Profit

As you start reading the beginning of this article, you will find comfort in knowing there is a powerful new way to guarantee increased sales this holiday season. Even in a struggling economy, your business will not feel the hurt if you implement these incredibly simple marketing tips.

You don’t know it yet, but by the end of this story you will be armed with the knowledge that may just keep your business afloat this year while major companies around you are falling at their knees.

As you already know, companies like Linens ‘n’ Things and Circuit City are in despair as their sales and share prices have fallen so much that they are going out of business or closing down hundreds of stores to try to stay in the game.

You see, in a market where competition is great, you have to find a way to compete and do something that sets you apart from the rest of your competitors.

Imagine if you are a company like Best Buy and one of your major competitors, Circuit City just shut down over 150 stores. All of a sudden, there are less places to go to get the product the customer is searching for and sales go up.

Well, thats what is going to happen to you if you can stay in the game long enough while others are crumbling. The way you must do that is by giving the customer more for their money than just the basic sale.

What if you were able to give away something of value, that is needed by almost every consumer you have that was equal to the price of the purchase?

I’m sure you can imagine the feeling of your customers knowing that they pay $300 for a television for example and get gas or grocery certificates in the amount of $300 with the purchase.

Are you beginning to see how this can be a powerful closing tool?

Even if your competitors are selling the same television for $280, you are going to come away with the sale because you are offering something of value that the customer wants that far outways the $20 difference.

The best part is, you can offer up to $500 of gas or grocery vouchers to your customers and it wont even cost you as much as a meal out.

You know, every time I walk in to Macy’s, or any store for that matter. I am bombarded with sales stickers. It seems EVERYTHING is on sale, but now you have a way to keep you prices and profit margin where they are and not have to slash your prices to attract customers.

You can be confident that your business will benefit greatly this holiday shopping season as these gas and grocery give-aways have worked for such companies as Ashley Furniture, Carnival Cruise Lines, Dish Network and a host of other businesses with smart marketing departments.

These rebate certificates are being used by car dealers, furniture stores, hotel chains, timeshare companies, health clubs, apartment companies and so many more.

In fact, almost any business that can afford to give away a cheap gift card with a purchase can give back so much more with gas and grocery certificates.

You’re probably wondering how you can implement this in your business right now in time for black friday. Well, its easy and the process is fast and reliable.

You can even have your company name and logo appear on the certificates to remind your consumers what a great deal they got at your store.

If you are like everyone else, you will want to get the word out quickly that you are giving away free gas and groceries. Once you have leaked that information, word of mouth will do the rest.

But you need to hurry, as every business that can will grab this incentive and run with it.

You can find out more about this gas and grocery rebate program by visiting

Enter code PLSDX and they will even give you a great discount!

Business incentives, Marketing incentive Tagged: black friday, gas certificates, gas rebate program, grocery certificates, grocery rebate program, holiday shopping season, increase sales, Marketing incentive

“Sit Back and Watch Your Business Explode When You Tap Into The Most Powerful Marketing Tactic In The World-Don’t Be The Last To Use This One!”

Dear Business Owner,

Have you ever heard of Ashley Furniture?

Or Carnival Cruise Lines?

Or Dish Network?

Of course you have, they are big established companies.

But what you may not realize is these famous companies got as big as they are through their advertizing campaigns.

They all have solid marketing ideas that have kept them ahead of the competition in their niche.

They are good at what they do and are on top of the current needs of their customers.

I am constantly amazed at businesses that do not have a current marketing plan. If you have not implemented a simple marketing plan for your business, then this is the day to learn.

You see, in today’s times you as a business need to offer something of great value to your customers that your competitors are not doing. That’s where the major companies have an edge on the smaller business owner, but if you are smart, you will copy what they are doing.

These 3 companies mentioned above are spear heading their marketing with Free Gas and Grocery certificates.

Why? Because it’s what their customers want. They have done the research and found that people are hurting at the gas pump and at grocery stores and any way they can get help with these two needs can justify the purchase of a product or vacation, or any spending they may have thought was not possible.

I know what you are thinking! I can’t afford to put the same money into marketing as these big companies. Well, you don’t have to. You can give away hundreds of dollars worth of Free Gas or Groceries to your customers for pennies on the dollar.

It is an affordable marketing campaign with proven results.

Many businesses don’t realize that their customers are starving for a bargin. All you have to do is feed it to them.

Major empires and trends are started with simple marketing strategies, but few businesses take advantage of these trends, or are not fast enough to pick up on them. Simply stated, give your customers something of value they need and you will have a stampeed of business.

Re-read that again!

Give you customers something of Value they Need and you will have a Stampeed of business.
I’ve seen it happen over and over again.

All the business greats use magical marketing from Ashley furniture, Carnival Cruise Lines and Dish Network to even sharp small businesses.

The point is, you don’t have to be a big shot company to use this marketing.

This is not the kind of marketing where you are going to pay an arm or a leg for results. If you can afford to give away a cheap gift card with a purchase, then this is going to be for you, but with greater results and less cost.

Obviously, this marketing is worth doing.

But how do you use it? How does it work? How can we make it work for you?

That is the best news of all.

I’m excited to report that we have put all the information you need in a short 2 minute video you can go Here To Watch right now.

But what will really excite you is I am giving my wordpress readers-that means you-a little holiday surprise, just in time for the busy holiday shopping season.

Enter code PLSDX when you watch the video Here for discount prices. Just mention wordpress and I will send you our preferred pricing.

I can’t stress how powerful this marketing is!

Please, please, please wake up to the power of simple marketing.

Listen to the thrilling video and begin thinking how you can put the magic of Free Gas and Grocery Certificates to work for your business.

Go for it!

Business incentives, Marketing incentive Tagged: business marketing plan, gas certificates, gas incentive, gas vouchers, grocery certificates, grocery incentive, grocery vouchers, marketing tactics, small business marketing

“I DARE YOU to use these Gas and Grocery Certificates and NOT Dramatically Increase your Traffic, your Sales, your Conversions and your Business -

Hard to believe? Sure!

But the fact is, the results from people just like you proves without a doubt that these Gas and Grocery Certificates work like magic for Any Business!

Ashley Furniture used 1000 certificates to sell over $1,000,000 of furniture

I sold $18,758 worth of furniture on 11 gas certificates. This program works!
Russell Rye- Rye Furniture

Many businesses are using these gas and grocery certificates and seeing sales increases from 10-200%

Who else wants to guarantee increased sales for their business?

Special offer for Blogger readers only.

I will give limited time holiday price to anyone who tries a test order of the gas or grocery certificates.

Use them as Christmas gifts for employees, business appreciation gifts or just for friends and family. Anyone will appreciate the astounding value of this magic gift.

Test them quickly then put them to work for your business in time for the busy holiday shopping season.

No time to wait! Go here now and enter promo code PLSDX for more infromation and pricing.

Posted in Business incentives, christmas gift ideas, Marketing incentive Tagged: business incentive, christmas gift, gas certificates, grocery certificates, holiday gifts

How To Shop For Christmas In 10 Minutes Or Less

Finding that perfect gift for Christmas is always hard and takes a huge amount of time to shop around and please everyone.

Thats why gift certificates have been the hot item for the past few years. But, many millions of dollars worth of gift certificates go unused.

Is this because they get lost, or people just forget about them? Or maybe it is because it is to a store that they never really go to. I don’t know!

However, this Christmas we have the perfect gift for teachers, coaches, employees friends and family that is guaranteed to be appreciated and used all year long.

You see gift cards are a great idea, and easy to purchase and easy to use, but it is a one time use and its gone. This year, for less than the price of the usual cheap gift card, you can give away up to $500 of gas or grocery certificates that can be used all year long.

What a great value! Imagine giving away that much money in gas or groceries. Your friends, family employees or coworkers will think you have gone overboard this holiday season and wont be able to thank you enough.

To find out more about the gift that keeps on giving, go here now and enter special Holiday Promo code PLSDX for limited time pricing.

Big Businesses Are Doing It, Time For Fundraisers!

Using these gas and grocery vouchers has been a tremendous success for fundraising, but it all started out as a business incentive.

Businesses have been using these gift vouchers with great reward. It really works to draw new traffic and keep old customers coming back.

Ashley furniture used 1000 of these certificates to move over $1 million of furniture. Carnival cruise lines and Dish Network are also using them as incentives to draw people to them.

What are you doing for your business? Is your bottom line hurting? Do you need a kick in the butt in the advertizing department?

If you do, go now and see how affordable gas and grocery certificates are to boost your business.

But wait…


Enter promo code PLSDX for limited time holiday prices!

Tagged: business incentive, gas vouchers, grocery certificates, grocery vouchers gas certificates